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MIJ International Hub Programmes

DAC (16 - 40 years old) 

Our Day Activity Centre (DAC) is dedicated to provide individual with Special Needs customised activities focusing on daily living skills, creativity, social emotions, and motor-skills development.

Our DAC programme prides itself on creating a structured yet conducive environment that is suited to their needs, thus creating awareness of their surroundings, nurturing independence and fostering growth.

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Unlocking Boundless Potential through Tailored Experiences

At MIJ International Hub, we designed a learning domains namely the ‘EA3’ as our unique learning approach. It involves multiple phases of interactions between student and teacher; from engaging in new knowledge, to creating awareness of its application, applying what was taught in a proper manner, and then being assessed by the educator to ensure the right method is implemented and a success.

What can your child gain from this programme?

With tailored activities and specialized movement therapies, we empower them to excel in various skills which include personal grooming, emotional management, and social communication. Our focus on pre-vocational tasks stimulates their cognitive abilities and enhances their awareness of the world around them. Unlock their full potential and pave the way for their extraordinary growth and lifelong success.

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Programme Details
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Suitable for ages

16 - 40 years old

Mondays - Fridays
9 AM - 1 PM

*Day(s) recommended depending on assessment of child during interview and subject to class availability.

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